If you accept, let me know and I'll add your site link to the list.

The animated gif is kinda large, 48k, but since it's placed at the bottom, it usually doesn't noticeably affect load time of the important stuff such as your page content. Optically, it's no larger than a web ring control panel. It is best for the 1024x768 and up audience.

If the large size is too intrusive or you are targeting the 640x480 or 800x600 crowd, you can use the image and code below which is nominally 138 by 78 and only 18KB.

Of course, for custom sizes derived from a large image such as oaward.gif, there are always the HEIGHT and WIDTH parameters which can be added to any image invocation, such as:
img src="oaward.gif" height=120 width=210
This will size down the large image to the specified height and width.